Outstanding American by Choice Initiative

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Immigrants who have become naturalized U.S citizens are now being encouraged to participate in a federal initiative that recognizes the significant contributions and achievements of naturalized U.S. citizens.

The Outstanding American by Choice Initiative was established by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) specifically to recognize naturalized citizens who have made contributions through civic participation, professional achievement, and responsible citizenship. Recipients of this honor must have demonstrated their commitment to United States and to the common civic values that unite us all as Americans.

Lori Scialabba, Acting USCIS Director and Adam Hunter, Acting USCIS Chief of Staff present Alejandro N. Mayorkas, Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, with the Outstanding American by Choice recognition in Washington, DC, Jan. 15, 2014


The initiative recognizes those who have made the decision to becom

e an American by choice and highlights their contributions to this country. The goal of the initiative is we to inspire and encourage new immigrants and new citizens alike to participate in their communities and exercise the important rights and responsibilities that accompany U.S. citizenship.

recognition must:

1. Be a naturalized U.S. citizen;
2. Have exhibited leadership and outstanding achievements in at least one of the following categories: professional/business, culture and the arts, community service and civic participation, government service, military service, or overcoming adversity

For more information on participation in the Outstanding American by Choice, CLICK HERE

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