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There are 4 comments

  1. First of all,I thank whoever took this initiative to raise up the voice for refugees. I hope it will bring a change and improvement to the refugee resettlement system in Dayton.

    I will just say that this is a drip in a bucket, I know the author could not mention everything here I wish IOM could conduct a survey on how refugees are being received. Even Mrs.Cimpaye was received in small house in bad condition,I am grad she was not received in bed bags populated house what was one of the main issues for houses where refugees were received.

    Peter, I understand you are disappointed by African Community. however, they are some who have been trying to do something to help these people. Personally,I tried to restart the African Community in 2014 and we had a successful meeting at first time,but we never went far because some of the members never understood that there were some people who never wanted us to go far. We had people who were pretending to join us in order to help us, but their first mission was to destroy our organization.I wish I have met you before so we could work together to help these people.


  2. This is not acceptable! It looks like institutional racism because AFSC has been raising similar issues since 2008 when refugees from Burundi were resettled in Dayton. It is now becoming obvious that refugees of African descent are not treated humanely during the resettlement process.
    Thank for the story. You have actually used the power of the media to lift up the voices of the voiceless.


  3. I appreciate this reporting, however, I am extremely disappointed in the lack of effort on the part of the African community as a whole, in advocating for the rights of all Africans, refugees, continental or diasporean. Many of us come in here and become very self-centered and care less for the rest and in that respect, Africans like Mrs Chimpaye will continue to be abused by the very system that assumes their care .
    I do thank you for posting these kinds of reports and perhaps we will wake up some day.

    Peter Ijeh.


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