Scholarships for undocumented students

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Are you an undocumented student striving for your education? Are you looking for scholarships that are open for you, or maybe someone you know, Below are10 scholarship opportunities.

1. 2015-2016 HENAAC Scholarship

HENAAC scholarship recipients continue to pave the way for future generations of Hispanics and lead by example to empower our communities and enhance our nation’s professional technical workforce. Apply now!

2. New Leader Scholarship

The New Leader Scholarship of the Marin Community Foundation annually awards scholarships of up to $8,000 which may be renewed. Awardees may receive additional support for graduate school application costs and graduate school tuition! Fill out the application today!

3. Leadership 1000 Scholarship

The Leadership 1000 Scholarship is a scholarship program funded by individuals, foundations or businesses to provide college scholarships to students who will be attending an eligible four-year college or university in Washington state. A Leadership 1000 Scholarship can be customized around a general set of requirements requested by the donor. Scholarships awarded will range from $2,500 to $5,000. Click for more information!

4. Summer Coding Scholarship

This summer, is teaming up with the Flatiron School to award 10 Code For Good scholarships worth $2,000 each to high schoolers for intensive coding boot camps in New York, Boston, Miami, Chicago, and Austin. Check their application here!

5. CHCI Scholarship

The mission of CHCI Scholarship Program is to provide critical financial assistance that will increase graduation rates among Latino students in post-secondary education. Apply today!

6. The Nordstrom Scholarship

Nordstrom is excited to award $10,000 scholarships to 80 U.S. and Puerto Rican high school and 10 Canadian secondary school students to help them achieve their dreams of going to a four-year university. The Nordstrom Scholarship recognizes outstanding students across the U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada for their exceptional scholastic achievement and community involvement. Click here today!

7. Dream Fund Scholarship

The Illinois Dream Fund Scholarship seeks to create access to financial resources to further this growth and development for the immigrant leaders of tomorrow. With the generous offerings of private donors and in-kind donations, the Illinois Dream Fund Scholarship provides scholarships to undocumented students, who are incoming freshmen or current undergraduates that possess at least a 2.5 GPA (on a 4 point scale). Apply now!

8. TCC Scholarship Application 2015-2016

This application is for the 2015-2016 academic year. The deadline for this application is March 15, 2015. Find more information here!

9. Harvard’s Act On a Dream Scholarship Finder

Act on a Dream serves as advocate for immigrant youth, provides a channel for student views, and empowers the increasingly diverse millennial generation to take action. Use their Scholarship Finder today!

10. DEEP
Scholarship Resource

Also check DEEP’s scholarship resource which is constantly being updated with the latest scholarships for undocumented students! Click here!


CREDIT: Thanks to United We Dream,  the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation. for listing the scholarships above in their blog!


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